Modeling of an e-registry interoperability system for public sectors in Tanzania a case of the Ministry of works, transport, and commenication
Mtebe, Joel Nicodemus
Modeling of an e-registry interoperability system for public sectors in Tanzania a case of the Ministry of works, transport, and commenication Joel Nicodemus Mtebe - Dar es salaam University of Dar es salaam 2021 - xiii,85.; ill.; 30cm
Includes; Bibliographical references
Thesis; MSc (Computer science)-
University of Dar es salaam
THS EAF QA76.9.C65T34M743
Modeling of an e-registry interoperability system for public sectors in Tanzania a case of the Ministry of works, transport, and commenication Joel Nicodemus Mtebe - Dar es salaam University of Dar es salaam 2021 - xiii,85.; ill.; 30cm
Includes; Bibliographical references
Thesis; MSc (Computer science)-
University of Dar es salaam
THS EAF QA76.9.C65T34M743