Knowledge and attitude among patients toward medical malpractice at Bagamoyo district hospital, Tanzania
Mwakipesile, Rose Gordian
Knowledge and attitude among patients toward medical malpractice at Bagamoyo district hospital, Tanzania - Dar es Salaam: University of Dar es Salaam, 2021 - x,51p.: ill.; 30cm.
Includes bibliographical and references
Thesis: Master of public health- University of Dar es Salaam
THS EAF R724.T34M835
Knowledge and attitude among patients toward medical malpractice at Bagamoyo district hospital, Tanzania - Dar es Salaam: University of Dar es Salaam, 2021 - x,51p.: ill.; 30cm.
Includes bibliographical and references
Thesis: Master of public health- University of Dar es Salaam
THS EAF R724.T34M835