Experimental investigation of surge waves formation in gas-condensate pipelines
Nsemwa, Godwin
Experimental investigation of surge waves formation in gas-condensate pipelines Godwin, Nsemwa - Dar es salaam University of Dar es salaam 2021 - xi,68p.; ill.; 30cm.
Includes ; Bibliographical references
Thesis; MSc (Oil and Gas Technology)-University of Dar es salaam
THS EAF HF5716.L5T34N746
Experimental investigation of surge waves formation in gas-condensate pipelines Godwin, Nsemwa - Dar es salaam University of Dar es salaam 2021 - xi,68p.; ill.; 30cm.
Includes ; Bibliographical references
Thesis; MSc (Oil and Gas Technology)-University of Dar es salaam
THS EAF HF5716.L5T34N746