Neutrinos and explosive events in the universe.
Neutrinos and explosive events in the universe. - NewYork. : Springer., 2005. - Xii,424p. : ill. ; 25cm - Series II mathematics,physics and chemistry-vol.209. .
Includes bibliographical references and index
Black holes(Astronomy).-congresses,
Stellar dynamics-congresses,
PHYS QB843.B55N48 2005
Neutrinos and explosive events in the universe. - NewYork. : Springer., 2005. - Xii,424p. : ill. ; 25cm - Series II mathematics,physics and chemistry-vol.209. .
Includes bibliographical references and index
Black holes(Astronomy).-congresses,
Stellar dynamics-congresses,
PHYS QB843.B55N48 2005