"Music and Conflict resolution: Exploring the role of music in the Lunda-Luvale conflict of Zambezi District in Zambia"
Mukupa, Mwansa
"Music and Conflict resolution: Exploring the role of music in the Lunda-Luvale conflict of Zambezi District in Zambia" - Dar Es Salaam: University of Dar Es Salaam: 2022. - xv,91pg.: ill,; 30cm.
Includes: Bibliographic reference
Thesis: MA(Music)
Music-social aspect
Conflict Management
Zambezi district
THS EAF ML3916.Z33 M858
"Music and Conflict resolution: Exploring the role of music in the Lunda-Luvale conflict of Zambezi District in Zambia" - Dar Es Salaam: University of Dar Es Salaam: 2022. - xv,91pg.: ill,; 30cm.
Includes: Bibliographic reference
Thesis: MA(Music)
Music-social aspect
Conflict Management
Zambezi district
THS EAF ML3916.Z33 M858