Assessment of the factors influencing women's access, ownership and use of land for agriculture in the Kilombero wetland, Tanzania
Laura Samwel
Assessment of the factors influencing women's access, ownership and use of land for agriculture in the Kilombero wetland, Tanzania - Dar es Salaam: University of Dar es Salaam, 2016. - xvii,110p. ; ill. : 30cm.
Includes bibliographical referencesThesis: M.A (Geography and Environmental Management) - University of Dar es Salaam
Budget in business
Organizational effectiveness
Cell phone systems
THS EAF HD1265.T34S25
Assessment of the factors influencing women's access, ownership and use of land for agriculture in the Kilombero wetland, Tanzania - Dar es Salaam: University of Dar es Salaam, 2016. - xvii,110p. ; ill. : 30cm.
Includes bibliographical referencesThesis: M.A (Geography and Environmental Management) - University of Dar es Salaam
Budget in business
Organizational effectiveness
Cell phone systems
THS EAF HD1265.T34S25