Market segmentation, targenting and positioning strategies by supermarkets : the case of Tanzania
Hassan, Seif
Market segmentation, targenting and positioning strategies by supermarkets : the case of Tanzania - Dar es Salaam : University of Dar es Salaam, 2007 - xiv,94p. : ill. ; 30cm.
Includes bibliographical reference
Thesis: MBA (marketing) University of Dar es Salaam
Marketing strategy,
THS EAF HF5469.23.T34 H3
Market segmentation, targenting and positioning strategies by supermarkets : the case of Tanzania - Dar es Salaam : University of Dar es Salaam, 2007 - xiv,94p. : ill. ; 30cm.
Includes bibliographical reference
Thesis: MBA (marketing) University of Dar es Salaam
Marketing strategy,
THS EAF HF5469.23.T34 H3