The Law of sales tax, act III of 1951, as modified up to the 31st December, 1963; being an enhaustive commentary on the Sales tax act, 1951, covering up to date case law, rules, and notifications
Butt, Muhammad Amin
The Law of sales tax, act III of 1951, as modified up to the 31st December, 1963; being an enhaustive commentary on the Sales tax act, 1951, covering up to date case law, rules, and notifications - Lahore Qaumi Kutub Khana 1964 - xiii,312p. 24cm.
Sales ta
The Law of sales tax, act III of 1951, as modified up to the 31st December, 1963; being an enhaustive commentary on the Sales tax act, 1951, covering up to date case law, rules, and notifications - Lahore Qaumi Kutub Khana 1964 - xiii,312p. 24cm.
Sales ta