The ecological effects of oil pollution on littoral commuinities: proceedings of a symposyum organized by the Institute of Petroleum and held at the Zoological Society of London 30 November- 1 December 1970
Cowell, E. B.
The ecological effects of oil pollution on littoral commuinities: proceedings of a symposyum organized by the Institute of Petroleum and held at the Zoological Society of London 30 November- 1 December 1970 - London Institute of Petroleum 1971 - viii,250p. 26cm.
Oil pollution of rivers, harbours, etc.
The ecological effects of oil pollution on littoral commuinities: proceedings of a symposyum organized by the Institute of Petroleum and held at the Zoological Society of London 30 November- 1 December 1970 - London Institute of Petroleum 1971 - viii,250p. 26cm.
Oil pollution of rivers, harbours, etc.