Numerical modelling of diapirism:influence of topography,sedimentation,erosion and viscoelastic-plastic rheologies
Poliakov, Alexei Nickolae vich poliakov
Numerical modelling of diapirism:influence of topography,sedimentation,erosion and viscoelastic-plastic rheologies - Uppsala UCTA universitatis Upsaliensis 1993 - 13p. 25cm.
Includes references
Science and technology
PAM QA76.76.P64445
Numerical modelling of diapirism:influence of topography,sedimentation,erosion and viscoelastic-plastic rheologies - Uppsala UCTA universitatis Upsaliensis 1993 - 13p. 25cm.
Includes references
Science and technology
PAM QA76.76.P64445