Taxonomy and biogeography of woody plants in the eastern arc mts, Tanzania: case studies in Zenkerella, Scorodophloeus and Peddiea
Temu, Ruwa-Aichi P. C.
Taxonomy and biogeography of woody plants in the eastern arc mts, Tanzania: case studies in Zenkerella, Scorodophloeus and Peddiea - Uppsala Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 1990 - 68p. 25cm.
Includes references
Science and technology
PAM QA76.76.T45
Taxonomy and biogeography of woody plants in the eastern arc mts, Tanzania: case studies in Zenkerella, Scorodophloeus and Peddiea - Uppsala Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 1990 - 68p. 25cm.
Includes references
Science and technology
PAM QA76.76.T45