Chromosome Aberrations detected by the flow Cytometer based Micronucleus Assays: studies of rodent erythrocytes after exposure to very low doses of ionizing radiation or to chemicals
Zetterberg, Liliane Abramsson
Chromosome Aberrations detected by the flow Cytometer based Micronucleus Assays: studies of rodent erythrocytes after exposure to very low doses of ionizing radiation or to chemicals - Uppsala Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 1997 - 50p. 25cm.
Includes references
Science and technology
PAM QA76.76.Z47
Chromosome Aberrations detected by the flow Cytometer based Micronucleus Assays: studies of rodent erythrocytes after exposure to very low doses of ionizing radiation or to chemicals - Uppsala Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 1997 - 50p. 25cm.
Includes references
Science and technology
PAM QA76.76.Z47