Maps and communication : GIS as a means in the communcation of spatial information, paper presented at the faculty of arts and main library annual international conference October 29th 1999 at St. Augustine students's Center Makerere University.
Sengendo, Hannington
Maps and communication : GIS as a means in the communcation of spatial information, paper presented at the faculty of arts and main library annual international conference October 29th 1999 at St. Augustine students's Center Makerere University. - Kampala : Makerere University 1999 - 15p. : ill. ; 30cm. - Paper No.1 - 14 are all bound in one book; 3 Vol.2 No.3 .
Technology transfer
Communication systems,
EAF QTO T174.2.B34
Maps and communication : GIS as a means in the communcation of spatial information, paper presented at the faculty of arts and main library annual international conference October 29th 1999 at St. Augustine students's Center Makerere University. - Kampala : Makerere University 1999 - 15p. : ill. ; 30cm. - Paper No.1 - 14 are all bound in one book; 3 Vol.2 No.3 .
Technology transfer
Communication systems,
EAF QTO T174.2.B34