New directions in psycho-analysis: the significance of infant conflict in the pattern of adult behaviour
Klein, Melanie Klein, Melanie
New directions in psycho-analysis: the significance of infant conflict in the pattern of adult behaviour New directions in psycho-analysis: the significance of infant conflict in the pattern of adult behaviour - London London Tavistock Publications Tavistock Publications 1955 1955 - xiii,534p. xiii,534p. 22cm. 22cm.
RC509.K52 RC509.K52
New directions in psycho-analysis: the significance of infant conflict in the pattern of adult behaviour New directions in psycho-analysis: the significance of infant conflict in the pattern of adult behaviour - London London Tavistock Publications Tavistock Publications 1955 1955 - xiii,534p. xiii,534p. 22cm. 22cm.
RC509.K52 RC509.K52