Calibration of hominoid evolution: recent advances in isotopes and other dating methods applicable to the origin of man: [proceedings of the symposium held at Burg Wartenstein, Austria, 3rd-12th July, 1971]
Bishop, W. W.
Calibration of hominoid evolution: recent advances in isotopes and other dating methods applicable to the origin of man: [proceedings of the symposium held at Burg Wartenstein, Austria, 3rd-12th July, 1971] - London Chatto and Windus 1972 - viii,487p. 25cm.
Human evolution
Calibration of hominoid evolution: recent advances in isotopes and other dating methods applicable to the origin of man: [proceedings of the symposium held at Burg Wartenstein, Austria, 3rd-12th July, 1971] - London Chatto and Windus 1972 - viii,487p. 25cm.
Human evolution