Your search returned 6 results.

A workshop on the importance of common strategy for information and communication technology (ICT) applications among Tanzania Universities and other institutions of higher learning, held from June 21-23, 2000 at the University of Dar es Salaam
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: Dar es Salaam , 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: Directorate of Library Services (UDSM) (1)Collection, call number: East Africana Collection EAF QTO Z699.5.T34.

Towards an information paradigm of decision-making and development : a theoretical approach. by Series: Paper No.1 - 14 are all bound in one book; 5 ; Vol.2 No.5
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: Kampala : Makerere University 1999
Availability: Items available for loan: Directorate of Library Services (UDSM) (1)Collection, call number: East Africana Collection EAF QTO T174.2.B34.

The role of ICT in the decision marketing process in the public services: a case of the Dar es salaam Reginal secretariet by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Dar es salaam: University of Dare es salaam, 2008
Availability: Items available for reference: Directorate of Library Services (UDSM): Not for loan (1)Collection, call number: East Africana Collection THS EAF Z674.5T34M3252.

The impact of information communication (ICT) in competitiveness of postal services : the case of TPC by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Dar es Salaam :University of Dar es Salaam, 2004
Availability: Items available for reference: Directorate of Library Services (UDSM): Not for loan (1)Collection, call number: University of Dar es Salaam Business School (UDBS) THS FCM HE6161.T34S46.

Modeling of Mobile Access Point (MAP) for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) connectivity in the Rural Areas of Tanzania Kenedy A Greyson by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Dar es Salaam : University of Dar es Salaam, 2008
Availability: Items available for reference: Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library: Not for loan (1)Collection, call number: East Africana Collection THS EAF TK7882.M6T34G74 .

Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Innovation Systems and Innovative Clusters in Africa : Stimulating Competitiveness for Sustainable Economic Development. Sepember 3-7 2006, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Dar es Salaam. : College of Engineering and Technology. , 2006
Availability: Items available for loan: Directorate of Library Services (UDSM) (6)Collection, call number: East Africana Collection EAF HD75.9.A36P76, ...

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